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TAARS 2024 Conference

October 23-25, 2024

Hilton Garden San Marcos 

(2131 N Hwy 35 San Marcos, Texas)


Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
Presented by:
Mr. Alan Moore


Get updated on the rapidly changing field of Highly Automated Vehicles, Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, and autonomous vehicles. We'll look at what is available on current production vehicles; what systems are installed, how do they work, and do they function as intended in an accident? Since 2019, the majority of new passenger vehicles are equipped with Collision Warning and Automatic Emergency Braking; learn how this affects an accident reconstruction. What EDR capability is present in these vehicles, and how do you obtain it? The presentation will be interspersed with many photos and videos, allowing attendees to experience for themselves the implications of this exciting new field. The event will include field testing with deformable barriers; experience for yourself how the technology works!

The ACTAR test will be offered on Tuesday, October 22nd.
Hotel will be the Hilton Garden Inn 2131 N Hwy 35 San Marcos, TX. Rates are $139 per night, with breakfast buffet included. Must book before 9/22/24

CLICK HERE TO BOOK HOTEL OR CALL 512-878-4411 (ask for TAARS rate)
Conference Pricing:
$425: for TAARS Members before 9/13/24
$475: Non-members
$525: All after 9/13/24

Accident Reconstruction & Accident investigation

Training Classes for TCOLE CEU’s, Texas PI CEU's and ACTAR CEU's


TX PI # Y04181901 EXP Date: 06/30/2024


Read all about the members that make up the corporate team

We are offering two separate scholorships this year

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