Two types of memberships are available from TAARS:
Regular membership: granted upon approval by the Board of Governors only after submission of membership application with all required attachments. Some accident reconstruction training is required.
Regular membership dues:
One-time, Non-refundable Processing Fee: $15.00
Annual Dues: $65.00
Associate membership: granted to individuals who have a primary or secondary interest in transportation accident reconstruction and who wish to support the goals and objectives of this organization. Associate members have no voting rights. No accident reconstruction training is required.
Associate membership dues:
One-time Processing Fee: $15.00
Annual Dues: $65.00
To expedite processing of this application, mail it directly to:
Michael Yosko
TAARS' Secretary
605 South Washington St
Fredericksburg, TX 77619
Call directly for questions:
Home: (830) 307-9345